Sunday, March 13, 2011

Deer Harvest

This year the deer population has been overwhelming in Pennsylvania and I'm sure other states also. I'm sure that if you live near a wooded area you have seen deer around your house. Hunters have also noticed on their farms and hunting areas that there have been more deer, Buck (a male deer) to be specific. The buck population has gone up over the year and the Doe ( a female deer ) population has gone down. Even though over the last 30 years it has gone up the most. One bad thing about such a high rise in deer population is there are more than 1 million vehicle/deer collisions each year with over 100 human deaths and a billion dollars in repair costs along with billions in damage to gardens, landscaping and agriculture and permanent damage to woodlands and prairies. Since there is such a great amount of white tailed deer in the eastern states methods of getting rid of some of these deer, trapping and relocating. Another way that they could reduce the amount of deer is to get rid of the limit of deer you can have each year but i doubt they will do that. No solution to the serious deer population problem will be possible until local, state and federal governmental agencies assume responsibility for this situation and implement a solution to this problem.
That is how the deer population has changed over the last couple of years

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette states "Hunters killed an estimated 316,240 deer during Pennsylvania's 2010-2011 seasons. That's slightly more than during the previous seasons, when hunters took 308,920 deer. As reported by the Game Commission, the biggest gains were the antlered deer harvest - a 13 percent increase from 108,330 in 2009-2010 to 122,230 in 2010-2011. The antlerless kill decreased 4 percent, from 200,590 in 2009-2010 to 193,310 in 2010-2011.

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